
Privacy policy and cookies


Due to the entry into force on 25 May 2018 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the European Union L 119 p. 1) - the so-called GDPR - we are committed to respecting your right to privacy on the Internet and making every effort to properly secure any personal data provided. At the same time, we emphasize that the website www.kontenerowy.pl (the “Website”) can be viewed without providing your personal information.

Personal Data Administrator:

The administrator of your personal data (“Administrator”) is RR Media spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Gdynia (81-339) at ul. Polska 19, e-mail biuro@e-containers.eu, tel. +48 58 622 39 01.

Data Protection Officer:

The Administrator has not appointed a Data Protection Officer. However, we undertake to take appropriate measures to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of your data to third parties. Our databases are secured from third party access. If you have any doubts about the processing of your data, do not hesitate to contact the Administrator using the contact details indicated above.

Purposes and legal basis of data processing, legitimate interest of processing

Below we present to you all the purposes of data processing by the Administrator that occur as standard in the Administrator’s activities. The specific purpose of processing your data is communicated to you each time by the Administrator at the time of obtaining your data. Your personal data may thus be processed for the purpose of:


If you sign up for our newsletter, then we will use the data necessary for this purpose or provided to us separately by you for the purpose of sending our newsletter by email on a regular basis based on your consent.

You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by sending us a message to that effect or by using the appropriate link provided in the newsletter. Once you unsubscribe, we will delete your e-mail address unless you expressly consent to the continued use of your data for other purposes or we reserve the right to continue using your data in statutorily permitted cases.

To whom and where may the Administrator transfer your data?

Your data will be accessed, in addition to employees, agents and members of the Administrator’s bodies, by persons and entities that provide operation, maintenance and service of the systems and IT solutions used by the Administrator. In addition, depending on the nature of the case, your personal data may be transferred by the Administrator only to the following entities:

In order to perform the agreement, we transfer your data to the delivery courier company, insofar as this is necessary for the delivery of the ordered goods.

Depending on which payment service provider you select during the order process, in order to process your payment, we transfer the payment data collected for this purpose to the credit institution handling the payment and possibly to the payment service provider selected by us or by you. Some payment service providers collect the data themselves if you create an account with them. In such cases, you will need to log in to the payment service provider with your access data as part of your order. The privacy policy of the respective payment service provider will then also apply.

Use of Google (Universal) Analytics for web analytics purposes

The Website uses Google (Universal) Analytics, a web analytics tool from Google Inc. (www.google.com). The above - as part of the analysis and evaluation of interests - serves to protect our legitimate interest in optimally presenting our offerings. Google (Universal) Analytics uses methods that make it possible to analyze your use of the website - for example, cookies. The automatically collected information regarding your use of the Website is generally transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Due to the IP anonymization activated on the Website, your IP address is truncated before being forwarded further within the member states of the European Union or other countries party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

Only in exceptional cases the full IP address is transmitted to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. The anonymized IP address transmitted by your browser within the scope of Google Analytics is generally not combined with other Google data. Google LLC is headquartered in the USA and is certified by EU-US-Privacy Shield. The current certificate is available at this link. As part of the agreement between the US and the European Commission, the latter has stated an adequate level of data protection for companies with Privacy Shield certification. You can prevent the data collected by cookies about your use of our Website (including your IP address) from being recorded by Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, if you download and install the browser plug-in found at this link. Alternatively - instead of installing the browser plug-in, you can also click on this link to disable data collection by Google Analytics Service. An opt-out cookie will then be stored on your terminal device. If you delete the cookies, then you must click on the above link again.

Google AdWords Remarketing

With the help of Google Adwords, we promote the Service in search results and on third-party websites. For this purpose, when you visit our website, a so-called Google Remarketing cookie is automatically left on each visitor’s device, which, with the help of a pseudonymous identifier (ID) and based on the pages you visit, enables interest-based advertising. The above - as part of the analysis and evaluation of interests - serves to protect our legitimate interest in optimally presenting our offerings. Further data processing only takes place if you agree to Google linking your browsing history and application usage to your account and using information from your Google account to personalize the ads that are displayed on the websites. If you are then logged in when you visit our website on Google, Google will use your data together with Google Analytics data to create and define target group lists for remarketing purposes on different devices. For this purpose, Google temporarily combines your personal data with Google Analytics data to create target groups. The Google AdWords Remarketing service is an offering of Google LLC (www.google.pl). Google LLC is headquartered in the USA and is certified by EU-US-Privacy Shield. The current certificate is available at this link. As part of the agreement between the US and the European Commission, the latter has stated an adequate level of data protection for companies with Privacy Shield certification. You can deactivate cookies used for remarketing by clicking on this link. In addition, you can consult the Digital Advertising Alliance website for information on the use of cookies and the corresponding settings.

Transfer of data outside the European Economic Area or to international organizations

Except as described above, your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area or to international organizations.

How long will the Administrator keep your data? (information about the period of data storage)

The period of storage of your data by the Administrator will depend on the purpose of processing your data.

In case your data is processed by the Administrator for the performance of an agreement between you and the Administrator or for the performance of other obligations to you by the Administrator (e.g. to maintain a customer account), your personal data will be retained by the Administrator for the period necessary to perform the Administrator’s obligations to you, e.g. under a sales agreement, and until the expiration of the statute of limitations for any claims you may have against the Administrator and the Administrator’s claims against you related to such obligations, e.g. arising from an agreement of sale, unless the retention of data is necessary longer for the purposes of tax obligations, in which case deletion will take place immediately after the expiration of the statute of limitations for tax obligations related to the obligation, e.g. the concluded agreement (e.g. for billing purposes related to a given agreement, your data will be retained for 5 years counting from the end of the calendar year in which the deadline for payment of tax related to the agreement expired).

In case your data is processed by the Administrator due to the necessity of the processing for the purposes arising from the Administrator’s legitimate interests, your personal data will be kept by the Administrator for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes arising from such interests, whereby for the purpose of direct marketing for the period of existence of the legitimate interest to conduct marketing, unless you exercise your right and object to the processing of such data for marketing purposes. In this case, the Administrator may keep your data for the period of the statute of limitations for your claims against the Administrator, or the Administrator’s claims against you under the law, if the processing of such data is necessary for the purpose of establishing or asserting claims, as well as for the purpose of defending against such claims.

For the realization of the Administrator’s legitimate interests involving the establishment and assertion of claims or defense against claims, the Administrator may keep your data for the period of limitation of your claims against the Administrator or the Administrator’s claims against you resulting from the law (for example, the general limitation period for claims related to business activities is 3 years, while the general limitation period for consumer claims against the Administrator is 10 years; the aforementioned personal data retention periods may change with changes in generally applicable laws).

For the fulfillment of the Administrator’s legitimate interests involving responding to your message, question, complaint or suggestion, the Administrator may store your data for the period necessary to respond or resolve the matter with which you address the Administrator, whereby the Administrator may extend this period by the statute of limitations for your claims against the Administrator, or the Administrator’s claims against you under the law, if the processing of such data is necessary for the purpose of establishing or asserting claims, as well as for the purpose of defending against such claims.

In addition, in the event of referral of claims against the Administrator or by the Administrator, e.g. in connection with a sales agreement between you and the Administrator, your data will be stored for no longer than is necessary in connection with the relevant proceedings concerning such claims.

If your data is processed by the Administrator due to a legal obligation of the Administrator, the Administrator will keep the data for as long as the relevant legal obligation of the Administrator. If your data is necessary to document business events for accounting purposes, your data in this regard will be kept by the Administrator as long as there is a legal obligation of the Administrator to have a document of these events.

Information about your rights
Right of access to data

You have the right to request access to your personal data, including, in particular, information about whether the Administrator processes your personal data and the scope of data held by the Administrator, the purposes of data processing or the categories of recipients of your data, as well as, if possible, the planned period of data storage, your rights regarding your personal data, information about the sources of the Administrator’s acquisition of your data, if not collected from you.

In addition, you have the right to obtain a copy of the data, with the proviso that obtaining the first copy of the data is free of charge, and obtaining each subsequent copy may require the payment of a reasonable fee that takes into account the administrative costs of preparing such a copy of the data.

Right to rectification of data

You have the right to request immediate rectification of inaccurate data or, taking into account the purposes of processing, completion of incomplete data.

Right to erasure of data (right to be forgotten)

You have the right to request the erasure of your data if one of the following circumstances applies:

However, you will not be able to exercise your right to erasure, among other things, if such data is necessary to establish or assert claims or defend against claims.

Right to restrict processing

You have the right to request restriction of processing in the following cases:

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format your personal data that you have provided to the Administrator, and you have the right to send this personal data to another Administrator without hindrance from the Administrator, if:

At the same time, you have the right to request that the personal data be sent by the Administrator directly to another administrator, if technically possible.

Right to object to data processing

You have the right to object at any time - on grounds related to your particular situation - to the processing of your data if the legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator.

As a result of an objection, the Administrator will cease processing your personal data unless it demonstrates that there are valid legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending against claims.

If your personal data is processed for the purposes of direct marketing, you may object to such processing, including profiling, at any time without having to demonstrate reasons relating to your particular situation and the Administrator shall immediately cease such processing.

Right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the law in this regard.

Information on whether providing personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement or a condition for entering into an agreement, and on the absence of an obligation to provide data

You provide all data voluntarily.

Depending on the situation in which the Administrator may obtain your data, providing certain data (defined by the Administrator as required data) may be a condition for entering into a contract with the Administrator or a condition for the Administrator to begin providing services, such as opening and maintaining a customer account.

Providing address data is necessary, for example, to order an offer. Providing a telephone number may be necessary to take advantage of additional services involving, for example, arranging an appointment. Provision of name, address and Tax Identification Number may be a statutory requirement and necessary for the preparation of documentation for tax purposes.

In the case of directing messages or requests to the Administrator (e.g. to send an offer), providing contact details is not a statutory or contractual requirement or a condition for concluding an agreement, however, providing the required data is necessary to enable the Administrator to respond.

Information about the consequences of not providing data

Depending on the situation in which the Administrator may obtain your data, failure to provide certain information may prevent you from entering into an agreement with the Administrator, taking advantage of additional services, opening and maintaining your customer account, receiving correct tax documents from the Administrator, receiving an offer from the Administrator or responding to a message addressed to the Administrator, submitting a complaint, intervention or change of order instruction to the Administrator.

Information about the use of data for automated decision-making, including profiling

Your personal data will not be used for automated decision-making, including profiling.

What are cookies and how we use them

Cookies (so-called “cookies”) are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on your terminal device (e.g. computer). Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the time they are stored on your end device and a unique number. Cookies are used for:

The following types of cookies are used within the Website:

Web browsers (your software) allow cookies to be stored on your end device by default. You can always change your browser settings that determine the use of cookies. Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect the functionality of the Website. Cookies placed on your end device may also be used by advertisers and partners cooperating with the Administrator. Please be advised that the Administrator is the entity responsible for placing cookies on your end device while having access to them. Information on how to use cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser). More information about cookies is available, for example, here http://wszystkoociasteczkach.pl.

In the help menu of your web browser you will find explanations on how to change your cookie settings. They are available at the following links:

Internet Explorer™: https://support.microsoft.com/pl-pl/help/17442/windows-internet- explorer-delete-manage-cookies

Safari™: http://safari.helpmax.net/pl/ochrona-i-prywatnosc/usuwanie-plikow-cookie/ Chrome™: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=pl&hlrm=en Firefox™: https://support.mozilla.org/pl/kb/usuwanie-ciasteczek

Opera™: http://help.opera.com/Windows/12.10/pl/cookies.html

If you do not agree to the use of cookies, the functionality of the Website may be limited.